Just wanted to give a “shout to the Lord” of praise and thanksgiving for working to save the marriage of some dear friends of ours who have been going through difficult times for many years. We heard an amazing story from them about how God moved the heart of the wife to begin feeling love for her husband again after years of emotional isolation from him. He had had a wake up call this past winter that he needed to change and put his wife “first above all earthly things” and “love her as Christ loved the Church.” This was something he had not made a priority for in many years which led to an incredible amount of hurt and resentment in his wife.
Well, after months of hard work, soul-seeking and a willingness to let God work in his life through prayer, bible study, discipleship and pastoral counseling (recently) his wife had this revelation after going through “76 days of grace” where she wrote down one positive thing each day to see her husband doing for her – not because someone was telling him to do it (as if she were a checklist item to complete) but simply because he wanted to serve her because he loved her.
We are pleased to share that, on day 77, she broke down before God after reviewing the past 76 days, and her heart began softening to her husband again!
This is wonderful news and a sign that God still works in our lives today. We thank God for the pastors involved to help our dear friends take a long-awaited first step towards being on the “same page” for the first time in a long time and look forward to their continued work as they seek to be one with each other even as Christ is one with God!