I don’t agree with President Trump too often but, in the case of the Syrian President using chemical weapons against his own people, I am totally supportive of our President using the authority we’ve given him to launch precision missile strikes against President Assad.
We do need to go further, though, to help the Syrian people. They are suffering under the oppression of an evil man who has needlessly tortured and killed hundreds, if not thousands, of his own people. (I encourage you to head to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. to look first hand and see for yourself the pictures that were smuggled out to document the atrocities he is committing.
We have a responsibility from God as a government to restrain evil in the world once a certain line has been crossed (we don’t want to be the policemen of the world but we also don’t want to let another Hitler-like person rise to power)
This is the time we must act and, in this, for one of the very few times in my life, I am in agreement with President Trump!