I cannot believe it! The Republicans are still trying to repeal and replace Obamacare!
Are they completely so cold-hearted? Do they really care more about profits than people? Hiding behind this mask of “liberty and freedom of choice” is such a smoke-screen IMHO.
One person’s freedom to choose “no” to paying for someone else’s health insurance now can have disastrous consequences if the same person who chose not to pay now has to pay later when they are facing catastrophic illness or injury.
That’s what I’m talking about. Catastrophic care and basic essential healthcare (NOT wasting emergency department resources when you have the sniffles!) should be a basic human right!
This is what we are fighting for. This is one element of our society that has been tanked and exacerbated because of the inequality in our society.
What would Jesus do?
They don’t call Him, “the Great Healer,” for no reason at all!