Rather than talk about what God has put on my heart about President and his firing of (former) FBI Director James Comey and how this looks bad and how there is no checks and balance and how he can just fire anyone who investigates him…whoops! Got carried away there =P
I thought it would be better to share what God has also put on my heart regarding moms everywhere! So, I wrote a little poem in honor of all the moms that are, have been and ever wilt be =)
My Mom – there is no one like you
Without moms where would we be?
We would be hopeless, lost and unable to see
The bright futures only moms can dream for their children
and all the great accomplishments they’ll perform across generations.
Without moms we would have no comfort when in pain
Which moms so freely give even when we drive them insane
With actions and words that make no sense at best
We, every day, push her limits to the test
In spite of all this our moms remain saints
Patient and loving in spite of our taint
On the furniture or on the rug wherever the splatter
Our moms keep smiling because to them…we are all that matter!
(Even though we don’t deserve it =P
Happy Mother’s Day!